Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Recently my daughter has begun to grow disappointed with her father, my ex-husband. The years of broken promises, unsavory parental choices and not financially contributing has gone from unnoticed, to center stage. I get asked by friends and family if I regret my marriage to him. I reply that I do not. I THANK him. Yep, that’s right I thank him…privately of course…daily. I thank him for contributing his DNA to the beautiful, intelligent young woman that I tuck in nightly with her blankie. I thank him for leaving me because it made me stronger and self sufficient. I thank him for not contributing financially because it makes my husband and I work that much harder as a team to make ends meet. I thank him for breaking my heart in to pieces for my husband has not only had to become a part of my heart…..but helped me rebuild it from the ground up. I thank him for his half truths and excuses because my daughter will enter the adult world and err on the side of caution, trusting carefully. After all we are the big winners in this. She for having a Mother who loves her enough for two parents and me for having the pleasure of watching her grow daily from the constant encouragement and care in to the young lady she is today. So…I ask...have you given thanks today?