Friday, April 12, 2013


Well today is the day. The School Board is supposed to vote at noon…..

Sometimes when I get overly stressed I turn on the oldies station on the way to work. They usually play songs I know my parents liked and I try to insert myself in to their mindset when they were just a set of young parents up and coming. I think they must have lived through the same tribulations as Hubs and I do….the stresses of money, children, marriage, life. They made it out the other end. Yeah, maybe divorced and strained relationships with kids from time to time but in the now? Everything is a-ok. So I am calm, cool and collected. Whatever happens today is simply another part of the life roller coaster. Either it’s the bottom and we are going up…..or we are at the top and hold on to our bellies because we are fixen to drop. I am counting my blessings today. I am alive, as are the ones I love. I have a home, food to eat, clothes to wear, new lotion that makes my skin feel like silk…you get the gist. Life may not provide everything I WANT, but today and right now I have everything I NEED. And for that I am grateful. Take a minute this morning to count your blessings, in the business of life it is so easily forgotten!

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