Thursday, October 3, 2013

Kit Kat Bars

This is why I do what I do. An employee calls, distraught. She is unable to access her paystubs due to a case of ForgotYourUserName/Password-it is. As the conversation progresses she confides in me her reason she is unable to cope. Her husband, the breadwinner of the family, just walked out on her and her two children. She goes on to tell me that at this very moment she is applying for emergency assistance at her local DHS office. Now…the people I work with are great people but….they wouldn’t think of dropping their current project and immediately helping an employee in need this way. I did because….I was her. Nine years ago this Thanksgiving it was me frantic and emotionally unstable. It was me trying to find ANY way of making sure Daughter would not go without food and shelter. It was me accepting the help of a local charity who gave me a Dora book to add to Santa’s gifts. It was me who scrounged up ten dollars and went to the dollar store and purchased nine items to go under the tree. It was me who when Daughter asked “Will Santa leave me presents since we don’t have cookies?” to which I looked in the cookie jar to find the last bit of Halloween candy, a Kit Kat bar, and stated that Santa liked Kit Kat bars so much more than cookies. So I hurried and gathered her list of needs to send to the local DHS office, hoping that whatever she does receive will lift a little burden off her chest. I know I am thankful for any help I received during my time of need. It helped build character and make me stronger. Some memories are tough to recall, some I have completely blocked out, but the one thing I never forgot (nor did Daughter) was the Kit Kat bar. Our family still leaves one out every year for Santa. I hope she can find the rays of sunshine just as I did.

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