Thursday, January 10, 2013

Back from the Land of Ulta...

Call me a conspiracy theorist but I believe Ulta buys specialty light bulbs. They are not (insert number here) watts, they are your skin/ hair/ makeup/ clothes are a HOT MESS. I felt pretty good walking in, it was my first time, I was wearing my work gear. A nice pair of grey slacks, a curve hugging black sweater and my daily mix of silver jewelry. I felt my makeup was nicely set and although I have a few blemishes, Almay did a good job at concealing my secret. But no. Oh hell no. The minute my two inch black heels hit the perfectly waxed entry, I knew…I was doomed. The lights, the floors, the shelves, the employees, a fellow shopper (who had her hands full of products so I suspect she was a well paid secret shopper to get us schlumps to get all she had in her perfect toned arms)….it was all perfect.  And intimidating as hell. The gal was nice enough but with her baby soft skin and the fact that she was five inches shorter than me…I felt like the Acne Amazon Queen who came to Ulta Land to conqueror them. I just smiled and kept my head down for the most part. You know what that store needs? A greeter. And not a Stepford Wife….a regular run of the mill Iowa gal who for the most part in life has self esteem but sometimes struggles with her self worth and a pesky blemish from time to time. Kinda like…..well….me.

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