Monday, January 28, 2013

Betty Crocker & Boobs

Today I decided to celebrate Monday. We are so quick to piss and moan when the dreaded day comes every week so I decided this week I would embrace it. After my daily dose of Subway, I headed to the grocery store around the corner. My heels clicked on the freshly polished floor as if stating "This woman is on a mission". I quickly snatched up a Betty Crocker cake mix, frosting and ice cream for tonight's festivities. I had opted for the hand held basket since I was only shopping for a few items. Well, we know how this goes....walking past the water aisle, I spied bottled water on sale. It was a straight shot to the check out so I had all the confidence in the world I could carry a flat of water in addition to the basket, flawlessly. Fast forward twenty steps....I looked absolutely ridiculous. I was panting, shedding a few dabbles of sweat and the once graceful silhouette of me now resembled Quasimodo. I was thankful as I saw a young man in the store uniform come to my assistance as I stumbled towards the self check out. He took the flat of water out of my jello-like arms and welcomed me with a warm smile. (Guys with glasses who help thirty-something women are pretty hot) As I scanned my items, he delivered a cart to me so I could transport my items out....without looking like a hunched back Disney character. Success! Ice cream is chillin in the work freezer and I cannot wait to get home and cook up a little Monday celebration with the kiddos.

On a side note......leaving the grocery store, I passed a tanning salon where a beautiful young gal was entering. I thought to myself "She has really nice boobs. I hope my daughter has better boobs than me." It's a scary place inside my mind, folks. Ladies with daughters and less than stellar get it.

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