Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Cold Cuts & Cell Phones

Lunch today was lots of fun! I have to admit seeing Hubs pull up outside my office window still makes my heart skip a beat. I am not trying to be that annoying person you know who gabs about how wonderful her marriage is all the time, because it certainly is not, but I learned a lot of lessons in my first marriage. I never take him for granted. I always try my best to look and feel great each day. I always put makeup on (whether just a few dabs for the au naturale look or full on sex kitten eye look). I always wear undergarments in good shape. I never let my personal hygiene lax. I always laugh at his jokes. I always make him feel appreciated when he comes home. Above all, I am humble. I don’t think that I am the best he can get or the only thing he can get. I make sure to show and tell him I am blessed to be his wife. I did not do that in my first marriage. To be fair, he was a dick and didn’t deserve me at best. Any who….he came today to accompany me to Subway. I was excited to see Phineas and Ferb bags for the Kids’ Pack on display and asked the owner’s wife if I could purchase one for Boy 1 who loves the show. She graciously gave me one, free of charge, to take home to what will be a very happy boy. After we ate, we decided to go to our cellular phone store and inquire about adding an additional line for daughter. Her father has purchased several phones for her throughout the years each from different phone companies keeping them for a period of time, defaulting on the bill and moving to the next sucker company. I did not think “Sorry (insert friend name here) you can’t call or text me. My Dad didn’t pay the phone bill this month.” Kids are cruel enough, she doesn’t need the BS of some snot nose middle schooler calling her names I cannot even fathom due to her father’s lack of responsibility. We were just going to look…harmless. I didn’t want to pay much because I was against the whole cell phone thing to begin with. Hubs took charge, though. We walked out of there with a nice camera / texting cell phone with a pretty purple case. All for her. With his seal of approval, although I was apprehensive. Taking me back to work he gives me two boxes of reeds for her clarinet he purchased for her today, also. I really hope she grows up one day to realize what an amazing father figure he is to her. If only she could recognize he is the constant in her life.


  1. <3
    My girls went through a rough period in their teen years where the "your're not my father" ugly came out. But DH is the one who has been there, put a roof over their heads and taken care of them and me for the last 20 years! I *knew* they thought of him as a father FOR SURE when my daughter~ in her 3rd of many minor car accidents~ called home~ panicking. I answered the phone and she said "Mom, I need to talk to Dad~ RIGHT NOW".

    1. Awww! See I know one day she will give him that affirmation!
