Talk about disturbing. So I have confided in all of you that
I have very vivid dreams. I swear, it is like living in a different body every
night. Sometimes this is a good thing….like when Jesse Pavelka or Channing
Tatum swoon over me (hold on…mental break…….ok) then there are the times where
it is very bad. Last night? Very bad.
I was walking in a mall just north of the city I live in. It
actually doesn’t even exist in real life. I needed my hair cut and I was desperately
trying to find the new salon I had an appointment at. I was running late,
family in tow. I finally found an employee and they escorted me around in an
unsuccessful attempt to find the salon. (By the way….I am in dire need of a
hair cut. I suppose that was a sign.) Just then, the air raids started to make
a piercing loud cry. Every one ran for cover as we saw a train coming right for
us. I took my family down a grassy hill to take cover. At the moment we were
about to reach the dip in the hill, I looked back to see a gas bomb explode. I
hit the ground and myself, my husband and my children rolled around in agony.
My husband and I moaned that our scalps tingled in pain. I finally came to and
knew I had to get help. I crawled up the hill to try and find a telephone to
call 911. At that time, I saw the criminals that were responsible for this
horrific act. They saw me and I thought they would kill me on the spot. I cried
out to them that my husband and small children were at the bottom of the hill,
dying, could they please come and help!? To my surprise they ran with me. As we
came on to the scene dozens of bodies lay there. But Boy 1…..he was sitting ‘criss-cross
applesauce’ amongst the massacre. My eyes went to Baby Boy who laid there
lifeless. I shook him and to my amazement, he started to wake. My attention
next turned to my daughter and husband. I put a hand on each of them and started
to shake them with such force I felt a dull pain in my shoulders. I screamed “Wake
up!!! Wake up!!!” to no avail. I sat back and sobbed. Oh how I sobbed. Boy 1
sat next to me and I cried out “Daddy will be her guardian angel!” Just then….miraculously……husband
and daughter started to come to, coughing.
I woke up, with a jolt. I was disturbed. I was hoping this
was not intuition of someone in the house in dire need. Luckily Boy 1 (who snuck
into our bed at some point in the night) laid next to husband, both snoring in
perfect harmony. I sat up in bed and peered into daughter’s room. I listened as
she exhaled audibly, which became music to my ears. My thoughts turned to Baby
Boy. Perhaps I left a blanket in his crib? Perhaps he stopped breathing for no
apparent reason? I felt the blood drain from my face. I tried to talk myself
out of such nonsense. I knew if I walked in his room the floor would almost
positively creak, awaking him from a needed night of sleep. Just then, almost
if out of a movie…..I heard a whimper. It was the whimper that maybe he too was
having a nightmare. Just as quickly as is begun, it ended and the red lights on
the baby monitor dropped back down to one. Still slightly troubled, I fell back
in to an uneasy slumber.
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