Friday, December 28, 2012

Feels like the first time...probably because it is.....

Not really sure how to start one of these things off....I Googled it but to me it seemed so....mehhh bleehh. So I am going to write to you as if I am speaking to you person to person. Screw journalistic writing, I failed it in high school anyway.

Here it is Day 2 of being back to work still suffering from 'After Christmas-itis'. The weight of finding the perfect present and making sure the house is in tip-top shape has subsided only to be replaced with a heavy feeling in my heart. I feel totally guilty as I phoned the husband to check in on the kids' well being. I was in a meeting at work and didn't think about them for thirty minutes. Surely that means I am a horrible mother, right? Probably not. He is, of course, overwhelmed. I would love to be home overwhelmed, instead I sit here at work underwhelmed sounding like a whiny brat to all of you.

I am taking advantage of the down time at work, though. I used my Kohl's Cash to purchase two Christmas gifts for family next year and used my Kohl's Gift Card to purchase four new shirts for my son's birthday in May. Look at me, all proactive and stuff. I did have a moment where I sat and thought....remember the days where you received a gift card and used in on yourself? Not trying to be a martyr here or anything but damn...those were the good ol days.

Well, the lunch bell is a dinging and this Momma is h-u-n-g-r-y!

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