Monday, July 29, 2013

Donut Week!

I felt like a dead man walking this morning. You see, it is the last week that Boy 1 is in preschool before he starts Kindergarten and Hubs will start taking him due to a later drop off time. So that means my little co-founder of Donut Fridays won’t be there to accompany me anymore, it’ll be just me and Baby Boy. So I decided to make this final week… DONUT WEEK. The problem with that is Boy 1 didn’t want to get dressed, he didn’t want to brush his teeth and moved slower than a snail’s pace. All things that are no-nos for the reward. I thought long and hard as we made the drive to school. I looked at him with his head hung from disappointment in the rear view mirror as he barely glanced at the gas station as we passed. I couldn’t do it, ladies. I know most people would say ‘Stick to your guns!’….’Be consistent!’ but as tears flowed down my face thinking that all this would be over entirely too soon I knew I had to put my parental mind to rest and go with my heart. My heart said Dunkin Donuts….a treat he never gets. And just like that we were in route to school, with chocolate frosting all over his face and a twinkle in his eye….everything was right in the world again. He won’t grow up to be a serial killer because I didn’t following my discipline through this time….so I am okay with that. I didn’t really think the last week would be this hard. I have cried less when family members passed away. I decided that it can’t be over after this week, it won’t be over. The last Friday of every month I will take a shorter lunch to arrive a half hour late to work so we can still have a little Donut Friday time. It makes it a bit easier knowing it won’t be over completely. This whole change thing is tougher than I thought it would be.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Virtual Vacay

We arrived to hop our connecting flight from the Midwest to LAX and since the layover was so lengthy, Hubs and I decided to do some power shopping in sunny CA. We enjoyed several hours of shopping at the most exquisite boutiques, where everything fit me like a glove. We then boarded our flight to Tahiti, first class, and were welcomed with a flower lei. We settled in to our one night stay, comfortably, as we indulged in some adult spirits and long overdue conversation. In the morning after a long night of enjoying each others company, we boarded our final destination flight to Bora Bora. Once arrived we were carted off in a water taxi and the golden sun bathed my pale skin with a glow that warmed me inside and out. Hubs exited the taxi first, then turned for my hand as I smiled and put my hand in his to assist me on to the indescribable beach. We slowly walked to our private bungalow as he affectionately placed his fingers on the small of my back. reflected......

Then the co-worker came back, the telephone rang, my Outlook reminder to complete a report popped up, an employee came in to tell me his life story and POOF I was back in reality. Maybe tomorrow I can return...or the next day...or the next day.....

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The 'F' word....Fat

Today started rough. We staff a major temporary event every year and one of my perks of the job is I receive a very pricy promotional shirt from the event, compliments of Boss. The problem is through the years; through the pregnancies…my body has changed. So as a coworker (who is male) and I take part in ‘Vintage Week’ he looks the same but my appearance varies greatly each day. Two pregnancies ago me, postpartum me and what is left of me now do not provide a great background for the array of shirts. So, as I put one on this morning, Boy 1 stated that ‘I looked like a boy’. Fair enough. It’s a polo shirt so I can see his angle. In the GW pile it went. Shirt two goes on and as I debate its future….Boy 1 declared “You look fat. You are fat Mommy.”…and giggled. I know I am no supermodel but fat? I tried to figure out where he got the idea to call me fat while I desperately tried to look presentable for work. Then it hit me, all the times I irritably dressed and remarked “I hate this! I have no clothes! I look fat!”….it was me. It was MY fault. Ashamed of what I subjected him through, I vowed to keep my comments to myself going forward. Out of the mouth of babes was no longer funny. It was hurtful. As I scrolled my Facebook newsfeed this morning, I saw an article I will link in comments that fueled me to take a few minutes out of my busy schedule and give a little PSA to all my friends around here. Love yourself, love your body….and if you don’t….do NOT let your children know how you loathe your body. Love to all my beautiful ladies reading this today……