Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Baby Boy's First Black Eye

The ticking time bomb known as Motherly Multitasking blew up big in my face this morning, or should I say Baby Boy’s. He was sitting up and I had one hand semi-bracing him just in case he toppled forward. My other hand was reaching for his winter hat so we could leave to go to school. My skills must have been weakened by my semi-there-hangover-from-one-glass-of-wine-before-bedtime and I felt his weight leave my left hand. Luckily I snapped back and took a hold of him in both my hands just as his forehead tapped the DVD player in front of him. He cried and got really, really pissed. No exaggeration, if looks could kill I would be dead. It was a little disturbing actually. I took a few moments and gave him lots of love, apologizing profusely. Then, we went though our morning ritual…same turns to school, walking Boy 1 to his class, finally coming to our destination which is the baby room. I set him down on the changing table to take off his bunting and there it was. Baby Boy’s first black eye. I was quite used to this with Boy 1. That kid had a head the size of a forty year old man on a fifteen pound body. He honestly looked like a bobble head, but to me he was beautiful. I felt so guilty. I always pride myself on getting two things done at once and there was failure staring right back at me all black and blue. So today I vow to not try to do so much at the same time. If the house isn’t picked up, oh well. If the laundry backs up, oh well. If I am late, oh well. Well….let’s just start with me trying not to multitask as much and trying to be more alert. Let’s not get too carried away!

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